Church hospital is actively involved in fighting the epidemic


As a Catholic hospital, Renqiu Fu’aida hospital is actively participating in the fight against the spread of novel coronavirus along with the nation-wide medical personnel. However, the Sisters who participated in the service have recently run out of resources. Although they are exposed to dangers without adequate masks, goggles, isolation clothing and other medical supplies, they still keep on going with their medical works every day.

"Our ambulance has been requisitioned by the government for several days, and we have participated in 120 ambulances rescue activities on many occasions," said the Sister director of the hospital: “We receive and treat many patients with fever, but the disinfection and protective supplies are in short supply, and there is no place to buy, and our driver (a Catholic faithful) and medical staff (all nuns) are exposed to danger every day. As the director of the hospital, I feel very worried."

According to the hospital Sister, in order to reduce interactions and risk of infection, they did not ask those on Lunar New Year vacation to return, only those staying-behind personnel are working at the hospital at the moment. Needless to say, the work loads are quite heavy. Each of more than 20 health care workers only has one N95 medical mask, which in fact is not qualified for infection-prevention purpose. "I've only got a dozen good masks now, and I don't even have enough for one day for the paramedics on the ambulance."

The Sister director said that she is very anxious now, that’s why she is now asking for urgent help.

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